Crazy Crackers...
Someone called the office today wishing to know why exactly, Savion Glover was using the stage at Duke Performances to talk about Jihads. This person sounded like they were, approximately, nine-hundred years my elder and it was an intriguing question so I dug deeper. "Really?" I said. "I confess, I was unable to see some of the show and did not witness the incident in question. Could you be more specific about which part of the show you are talking about?"said I. "The end, the end." said the voice, urgently. "He said one of the dances was called "something...Jihads and was dedicated to Jihads!". At this point, the clouds parted. The dance in question is called "Get down, G. Hines" and is dedicated to Gregory Hines, the tap dancer. I must confess that I was more than a little disappointed that Savion was, in fact, NOT using tap dance as a vehicle for his terrorist agenda, but instead, simply dedicating a dance to a departed friend. Mystery solved. You may now set your threat-o-meter back to orange, madam.