Monday, October 30, 2006

Opening night in 4 days...

After 26 hours painting the floor, here's where we are as of Monday night.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Sunday, October 15, 2006

New blog...

I've started a blog that is specifically for Riverside technical theater here.
Check it out to see what's happening in class.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Guns, Germs, and Steel...

What a week. My kids were nuts again on Monday and we didn't get alot done, plus, we had a lengthy faculty meeting. Tuesday was better at school and I had my Duke class at night. Wednesday, uke jam at night. Thursday we had a code 300 after school, meaning we had an armed intruder on campus. Thank God it was just a crazy mom 2 blocks away and not a Columbine type thing. Later that night, I gave the key note speech for the National Art Honor Society induction ceremony. There were also 4 fights at school that day. Full Moon. I'm a believer now. Friday I had an ILT meeting to put together my IGP. Never mind what it means. You don't want to know. At night we watched the Oakland A's win the division championship, handily dispatching the Twins with a 3 game sweep. Let's Go Oakland! Later, Sharon and I got coffee and went to Borders. A nice date. I should be tired right?

Blonde meets Apple

The Incredible Mouth Band

I would definitely buy this record! Then I'd have to throw it out the car window after a week. I love/hate it! Funny though.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dean Martin, Bob Hope, Johnny Carson, George Gobel

Biff's Question Song (Stand-up Comedy)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Moon video: plane crossing in field of view

Ms. Peachez In The Tub

My favorite new hip hop artist. Ms. Peachez is revolutionizing the way we think about our daily ablutions. Groove on Ms. Peachez!

nouvelle vague


250ml Rhythm -

Nice piece of musique Concrete

Monday, October 02, 2006

It's like being self employed....

...but with endless faculty meetings that have no bearing on what you do. Now, really, I'm lucky. I teach an elective which nobody knows anything about. But the red tape of working for the public school system is a constant niggle. There is alot of jargon laced talk about learning outcomes and whatnot that takes up an inordinate amount of my otherwise useful time. So much time and effort goes into research on learning styles, classroom management, behavior modification, blah, de, blah blah. One can't help but think that the real answer is to: A. Give a crap about the kids in front of you. B. Relax and be a real person. C. Take the extra time to get to know every kid and his or her situation. D. Teach an engaging lesson.
Is there anything else really? No? Can I stop going to meetings yet?