Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bloggity, blog

I finish my last day of Spanish immersion today so, buena suerte to me! A mi, me gusto donas. Which means: "to me, donuts are pleasing." I think it's one of the best phrases ever. The German girl in my class taught me to say "I am a very small bear with a big heart" in German yesterday, but I forgot it already. She also taught me how to say " I am a transsexual robot designer." Okay, I asked her how to say that one.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Little Projects

So nice when kids leave 'cause I get to do little meditative projects like painting my office.

Friday, June 08, 2007


Kids are gone. Now comes the payoff for being a teacher that all non-teachers get really bitter about when you mention it. Summer vacation! So, I won't mention it.

I went to Graduation at Cameron Indoor yesterday to see the boy walk across the stage. He leaves for California today to go work in a theater that I used to work in twenty years ago. It's a weird/happy/awful feeling. He'll do great though.

As for me, I'm doing a Spanish immersion class, going to Ashokan, taking a motorcycle trip with an old friend, going to Dallas and then I'm going to learn all about podcasts. Summer is filling up already.