Sunday, August 27, 2006

First Day...

First day of school was smoothio. Starting on a Friday was actually pretty bitchin'. It seems, with a few gangsterly exceptions, that I have been presented with a fine group of young minds to mold. Chris and I worked hard on the shop space this Summer and the space is really functioning alot better tthan it ever has in my tenure there.

Later this week I'm off to New Hampshire to do our yearly dance gig, so I really only have a two day school week. Yay.

In other news:
Oh my God! If you have not read King Dork by Frank Portman, stop reading this blog immediately and go purchase it. The book is a wonder. I have not enjoyed a book this much in ages. Trust me. Buy it! Read it! Get your callipygian ass out of that chair and get concupiscent about it!

read about it here.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Getting ready...

Been doing some serious clean up around the shop and had my student Sydney paint a big-assed scary skull mural I dreamt up on my wall in celebration of another school year. Chris and I also put walls and a roof on my office, installed a bitchin' stereo, painted the floor, and threw out a ton of stuff to make room for our new projects. It's looking more like monster garage all the time. Bwahahahaha!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Black Bomber!!!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Darth Vader Being a Jerk

While we're on the Darth Vader theme...

The Dark side of DJ-ing

This Guy is awesome!!!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Oh, the humidity of it all....

I've reentered the 20th century and have a cell phone again. Boo. And, no, you can't have the number. Nobody can.

I already feel more trapped than I did before. Though I did send my first pix message today with a sound attached and, I must admit, it was sort of fun, in a techno-dorky sort of way.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Written Word...

I realize that the blog has suffered from both a lack of updatization and being used as a repository for my pictures. I thought Summer would see a return of my writing, but alas, no dice. So, I thought I'd type a bit before school starts and see what comes of it. The likelyhood of this becoming a habit is, well, unlikely, but, optimism being my strong suit, I thought I'd at least fire off a couple of worthless paragraphs for you to scratch your heads over.

My thoughts about beginning my second year of teaching high school consist of hope, anticipation, and seemingly unending screams of terror. I've been getting the shop in order over the last week in the hopes that it would make me feel prepared for the coming year, but the truth is that I don't think you are ever prepared for the onslaught of teenage energy that floods into the building on the first day of school. It takes a long time to settle into a comfortable rhythm with a group of kids and there are always one or two or more who make the job alot more difficult than it would be otherwise. I guess the main difference this year is that I am prepared for the goofballs. Or, as prepared as I can be. They are always building better goofballs.