Dear Lindy Hop,
You have been a good and faithful friend over the years and it makes me sad to see you so down in the dumps. Many people seem to be asking an awful lot of you right now and I'm here to say: "Don't sweat it." Hey, you're over eighty years old! You should be enjoying yourself! There are still lots of people out there who think you're great just the way you are. Don't go changin'Lindy! People have always wanted you to be done in the "correct" way and you've been, by your very nature, deaf to that request your whole life. I think that's awesome. Fast or slow, smooth or bouncy, you're just you and we DIG that, man! So next time some jive cat tells you you gotta be a certain way, tell him what you've always told all the squares who've tried to put you in a box..."Listen to the music brother, and you'll know how to treat me."