First Day...
First day of school was smoothio. Starting on a Friday was actually pretty bitchin'. It seems, with a few gangsterly exceptions, that I have been presented with a fine group of young minds to mold. Chris and I worked hard on the shop space this Summer and the space is really functioning alot better tthan it ever has in my tenure there.
Later this week I'm off to New Hampshire to do our yearly dance gig, so I really only have a two day school week. Yay.
In other news:
Oh my God! If you have not read King Dork by Frank Portman, stop reading this blog immediately and go purchase it. The book is a wonder. I have not enjoyed a book this much in ages. Trust me. Buy it! Read it! Get your callipygian ass out of that chair and get concupiscent about it!
read about it here.