Uke stories...

As you can see in the picture, my little brother AJ has taken to the Uke. This is not something I forced on him. He really digs it. Problem is, he didn't have his own Uke to practice on at home and I didn't have an extra one lying around to give him. So, one of my goals at Uke Expo this weekend was to try to either find a Uke for him or at least get some ideas about how to get a donation or something. Enter, fine human being, gentleman, and scholar, Geoff Rezek. Geoff was leading a workshop about organizing Ukulele clubs that I went to and when I posed the question about where to find people willing to donate Ukuleles, he had some great ideas and then cryptically whispered "see me after class". When I walked up after the workshop, Geoff led me over to his vendor table and started loading me up with Ukuleles, Tuners, Music books and chord charts. I couldn't believe it. I hadn't gone to his class looking for a handout, but I ended up with everything I needed to get AJ and two other kids started on the road to music. How cool is that?
So, Cheers to you Geoff! Many thanks for your incredible generosity!

Geoff and his wife at Uke Expo 2004
Hi rex, nice blog. I'm a fan of the uke too but dont play. i belong to the Novelty music ~group at yahoo. maybe you know it? Lots of uke players on there - sometimes I think theres too many! Lots of good music on your ipod. Hoosier hotshots and Beach boys, Ukelele Ike etc. great stuff!
Hi rex, nice blog. I'm a fan of the uke too but dont play. i belong to the Novelty music ~group at yahoo. maybe you know it? Lots of uke players on there - sometimes I think theres too many! Lots of good music on your ipod. Hoosier hotshots and Beach boys, Ukelele Ike etc. great stuff!
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