Shit is always happening...
Whew, well, yeah. We got Lucy adopted already. She went to a nice couple. So now we have Dot, her sister. Dot is a little more damaged but, in time, I think she'll be just as great. We're taking her with us to New York and dropping her at Sharon's parent's house for a week while we work at Ashokan. But first, we stop in NYC to wish our good friend, Dawn Hampton a happy birthday. Every year the dancers throw her a huge bash and now that we're on the East Coast, we get to go. Yay.
In other news, I got my hair cut today. I don't like it. I went to a new place and had an appointment with someone of ambiguous sexual orientation. So, I thought, cool! This will be a great haircut! I don't know why I thought that, and he/she went on to prove that the transgendered can fuck up a haircut just as good as anyone else. Hooray for equality. Also this week, I got a tattoo. That, thankfully was done correctly. It's the logo for the city of Oakland. I've been thinking about it for four years and finally decided to do it. It makes me happy. Besides, if you're going to have a premature midlife crisis, a tattoo is a hell of a lot cheaper than a sportscar and a trophy wife.

The New Dog

The New Ink
NICE MAN! Can't wait to get my whole back will be painfull. So yeah...hey do you guys need dog beds? I can mail some really sweet ones to you if you want. They are all ecco friendly and shit...made out of recycled soda bottles.
The website is a bit confusing to say the least but here it is.
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