Xmas and My Grandparents...

I know I've been copping out by just posting stencils lately, but the truth is, I haven't had much to say that I've felt that I could put into words. Wow, that was a monumentally crappy sentence. Edit? Leave it. Anyweasel, art has been good therapy lately. Christmas is the absolute worst time of year so having something to do with my hands (get your mind out of the gutter) has been great. I was really proud of the suitcase I did and, I'm not gonna lie, it was really gratifying to see how happy Jeff was that he ended up with it. I'm finally feeling like I'm fitting in to the improv family at DSI and that feels good too. I love the two teams that I'm on more every day. What's weird is that I'm dreading the trip back to California for Christmas. I will love seeing my parents, but a sufficient amount of time has passed that I think it's going to be weird seeing some old friends. I don't know, and that scares me. What I do know is that I've been thinking a lot about my grandparents lately and how much I miss them. I love the photo that I did this painting from and my mom does too, so I hope she likes the painting. It makes me happy to look at them, but it also makes me long for the days when I could talk to them too. Well, how was that for a fucked up blog entry? I'm out.
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