Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Post debate...

"When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President: I'm beginning to believe it."
-- Clarence Darrow

If there is one thing that I came away with from the debates, it is that, simply, we are in deep sh*t. If Kerry wins, and I fervently hope that he does, he will have a hell of a quagmire to get this country out of. How many years will it take to undo all the errors of this administration? How many more sons and daughters will die as we try to extricate ourselves from Iraq? How long will it take to reduce this deficit to a manageable size? I'm not convinced he can even come close to accomplishing any of those things, but at least he seems to have a plan. Every time W opens his mouth about his policies, he appears to be simply rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.


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